The reality behind the theory of killer game Blue Whale

A teen boy comes across the online game, The Blue Whale. He is given one challenge after the other. He accomplishes every task and keeps on moving to the subsequent levels. The final and concluding challenge asks him to commit sucide. He clicks himself on top of a building and jumps. If police speculations are to be belived, this is what led to the death of the 14-year-old Mumbai boy.

Well, if you have already tried looking for the game online, you`d know it`s not publicly available. The administrators strictly control who can gain access to the game. Recent reports suggest that the admins identify their victims and send them the link, which once opened on their phones, copies every single data from their devices to the administrator`s.

What parents can do?

Online is a medium frequented by teens and anonymity increases the chances of experimentation. Moreover, it is easy acesswithout supervision that makes it dangerous and alluring at the same time.

Parents need to keep talking to the kids. Take interest in your chid`s activities. Give them space to share their feelings without negating them. Never reprimand your teen for whining, crying or staying aloof. Try to find out the reason behind unnatural behaviour. For example, a diusturbed stomach could be a sign of anxiety. Talk to your child for 20 minutes every day without interrupting them. This will help you read trouble signs - are they being bullied, body shamed or going through academic decline?

Monitor their digital behaviour and subtly keep an eye on their internet activity. It is extremely important.